1. The Company shall be called ‘Trimley Saints Players’.
2. The Company shall be managed by a committee consisting of Chairman – with a casting vote; Secretary, Treasurer and a minimum of 3 committee members each with 1 vote; plus the Producer & Director of each current production with 1 vote between them. A Vice-Chairman must be elected from the Committee by the committee members.
3. Officers and Committee to be elected each year at the AGM
4. A member of the committee shall cease to hold office if he/she:
a) Notifies the committee of a wish to resign
b) Ceases to work for the good of the Company as deemed by the Committee
c) By reason of mental disorder, illness or injury, is incapable of carrying out his/ her duties
5. Committee Meetings:
a) Every matter to be determined by a majority vote but, in the case of equality of votes, the Chairman shall have a second or deciding vote
b) A Quorum shall be 1/3rd of the committee members
c) A special Committee Meeting may be called at any time by the Chairman or by any 2 members of the committee with not less than 4 days notice being given to the other members of the committee of the matters to be discussed
d) Minutes of All meetings held by the committee shall be fully recorded
e) No rule may be made which is inconsistent with this Constitution
6. Membership:
a) The Company shall consist of Members and may also include as Honorary Life Members such other persons who have rendered special services to the Company. Honorary Life Members may only be elected by the Committee
b) Any person applying apply to join ‘Trimley Saints Players’ must either be resident in the Trimleys, OR be invited in, with agreement by the committee.
c) Applications for membership (for acting or non-acting) shall be made in writing to the Secretary who shall submit the same to the committee for its decision.
d) The committee may by a unanimous vote remove any Member whose conduct it considers likely to endanger the welfare of the Company. The individual shall have the right to be heard by the committee, accompanied by a friend, before a final decision is made
7. Subscriptions/Fees:
a) The annual subscriptions shall be set by the committee and declared at the Annual General Meeting
b) Membership to run from SEPTEMBER 1st to AUGUST 31st and paid no later than September 30th. The committee have the right to suspend any member for non-payment of subscription after this date
c) Acting fees to be set by the committee for each production, to be paid 8 weeks prior to performance
d) Once membership has lapsed for more than 1 year application to rejoin must be made to the committee
8. Annual General Meeting:
a) To be held each year in APRIL when the committee shall produce
reports and Statement of Accounts/Balance Sheet, duly audited, for the past year
b) The Secretary shall give at least 14 days notice of the meeting, accompanied by notice of any resolutions to be voted on, to all members of the Company
c) No alterations of these Rules shall be made except at an AGM or EGM, copies of proposals being given to all paid up members at least 14 days prior to the meeting.
d) Unless otherwise provided by these Rules all resolutions brought forward at an A. G.M shall be decided by properly recorded votes. In the case of an equality of votes the Chairman has the deciding vote
e) Only Members fully paid up may vote
f) Non paid up and prospective Members shall be eligible to attend and contribute to the Meeting but have no vote
g) Members under the age of 16 shall have no vote
h) Nominations for election to committee must be made in writing and be in the
hands of the Secretary at least 14 days prior to the AGM. Should nominations exceed vacancies election shall be by ballot
i) All applying Director/Producers shall declare in writing at least 14 days
prior to the AGM their choice of Xmas production. Members of the Company
shall then vote, by ballot, for the Director/Producer of said production.
In the event that no Director/Producer is found from within the
Company the committee have the power to invite and appoint from outside
the company
j) All other productions shall be submitted to the committee for approval
9. Productions:
a) The cast for a production shall be selected by the Director
b) The committee and Director have the power to revise the casting if any Acting Member shall, in its opinion, prove unsuitable for the part
c) Acting Members absenting themselves from 4 consecutive rehearsals without prior agreement, may, at the Director’s and committee’s discretion, be asked to vacate his/her role
10. Finance:
a) All funds shall be paid into an account in the Company’s name and operated by the committee and all cheques drawn must be signed by at least two members of the committee
b) No member of the Company shall receive payment directly or indirectly for services to the Company other than legitimate expenses incurred
c) No expenditure shall be incurred without the authority of the Treasurer
d) All accounts shall be sanctioned by the committee
e) All money owed to or by Members in connection with productions shall be paid by or to the Treasurer within 21 days of the final performance
11. Dissolution of the Company:
a) The committee shall give the Members of the Company 21 days notice of a meeting stating the terms of the resolution proposed. If the proposal is confirmed by a 2/3rd majority of those present and voting the committee shall have the power to realise any assets held by the Company. Any such assets remaining after payment of any outstanding debts shall be used to the advantage of the two Trimleys
b) Any props/equipment shall be donated to like causes, the distribution of which to be decided at an EGM called for such purpose; the contents of such meeting to be fully minuted
Updated 08.06.2013